Everything about Stone Carving

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Stone carving

Stone carving is the art of carving and cutting the stone so that it can be used in architecture. It is also the art of making stone objects, which was the first human experience in carving stones and tough materials.

Nowadays, stone carving artists and professionals use different methods like stone cutting (such as jewelry, carpentry and embossing), stone scraping (such as engraving) and sometimes the combined methods.

The History of Stone carving

People hammered axes out of stone in ancient times, probably by smacking one stone against another. They scratched and chiseled out symbols and ancient writings on hard rock and cave walls and eventually discovered the great secret: some stones are more challenging than others and are thus more capable of causing scratches on other less complicated stones. Drilling and brutalizing became possible from this straightforward understanding.


Drilling, one of the first of the stone carving arts, dates back almost 1,000,000 years to its beginnings. Primitive people discovered that it was possible to crack or fracture rocks. The breakage produced random pieces, but experimentation eventually revealed that some control semblance could also achieve breakage. By B 3,000. C., man improved hisabilities to such a degree that serpentine cylinders became commonplace. The Scanning Electron Microscope has examined many early Bronze Age seals found in ancient Mesopotamia. These seals were also molded to form a flat or convex seal face with a raised perforated handle on the back, showing exceptional ability and instrument control by the gem cutter.

Related article: History of tools

Stone carving Tools

In the past, various hand tools such as engraving pen, hammers, mallets, rasps and sanders were used to make and decorate stone works of art, but today, with the use of new technology, more tools such as stone cutters and machine cutters are used. Measuring tools such as ruler, a square ruler and mason’s lever are the popular ones among stone carving artists. Safety tools are also used for a safe stone carving projects because safety always comes first. The most important Stone carving tools are:


Hammers are made of steel and come in a variety of sizes and professionals must choose the right size. Ronix also offers high-quality hammers for stone carving artists.

ronix stone carving tools


Chisels are one of the most well-known tools among wood carving professionals. They vary in size; tip shapes and materials and they should be chosen according to the usage.

Related article: History of power tools

Spirit Level

Spirit levels are the most effective tools in accuracy and the stone arts, which includes measuring. Of course, being professional needs accuracy and Ronix is an expert in that.


Stone circular saws and Cut-off saws are two more tools that can be used for carving stones but mostly in bigger industries to fulfill and facilitate all kinds of works. Choosing the right tools and learning the proper way of using them can be the first step if you are interested.

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27 February 2021

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