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No matter how you handle and hand saw maintenance happens properly, it will wear out over time, which means the handle may become loose and some teeth may be lost. However, the good news is that there are steps you can take to hand saw maintenance and sharpen your handsaw to make it last longer. However, there are still situations where it needs to be replaced with a new one.
When it comes to non-motorized tools, nothing can cut wood as quickly and efficiently as a sharp hand saw. But whether the saw is a hacksaw (Ronix RH-3601), bucksaw, or pruning saw, those sharp teeth can bite the sawmill, too. When he sees his finger cut off, there is no doctor in the forest. Use your saw with care and keep it like any other tool so it is always sharp and useful.
Here in this article, we try to give you some information about how to maintain and sharpen your hand saw, so that it could work properly again with no problems.
Stages of Hand Saw Maintenance and Sharpening the Blade of Our Hand Saw
✅ Keep the saw dry if you are on a hand saw maintenance task
it is better to store the saw in a dry place or in a tool box. Keeping it dry will ensure that it doesn’t rust over time due to exposure to water or other forms of moisture.
✅ lubricate the hand saw while doing hand saw maintenance
You can lubricate the tool with gun oil, paste wax, or WD40 after use and before storing the hand saws. Even if you use gun oil or WD40 to clean the blade with a cloth, the paste wax must remain on the blade for a few minutes to fully clean it.

✅ Don’t forget to oil the handle when you are doing hand saw maintenance tasks
The handle of the saw needs frequent lubrication, especially if it is made of wood. You can do this with a little boiled linseed oil to prevent moisture and dirt from accumulating.
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In addition, if the parts connected to the blade show signs of rust, be sure to remove the handle and clean the groove. Then, you can use steel wool or fine sandpaper to sand the rough surface and remove the stains on the handle.
✅ Use a razor to get rid of blade rust if you are doing hand saw maintenance
First, remove the handle and place the blade on a flat surface, then start scraping the blade with the blade. Make sure to raise and lower the length of the blade at a low angle. After this, you can use steel wool or sandpaper to wipe away remaining stains. Finally, be sure to pat it dry and finalize with oil or wax.
✅ In Cases You are Working on Hand Saw Maintenance Regularly sharpen your saw
For beginners, sharpening the hand saw tool can be a complicated process, but you can follow a few simple steps. In the case of a good lighting setup and the use of small triangular or diamond-shaped files, please follow the instruction below to do so:
- As you archive each tooth level, work down the blade and count the strokes as you would usually sharpen the knife.
- File the longest tooth, make sure all the teeth are the same length.
- Inspect rake, such as chipped teeth (if any), and clean sharp ones. Make sure they are about 0.5 mm shorter than the serrations.
- Check if your blade has crooked teeth and try to bend them back to the blade style.
Noticing the above-mentioned points would help you to hand saw maintenance and fix your hand saw and use it for more time than possible. Sometimes the blade of the hand saw could not be fixed so as a result it needs replacing. But what are the signs that shows the blade of the hand saw need substitution? Read the following section to find out more.

Hand Saw Maintenance and Replacing Our Hand Saw’s Blade and the Signs of Such Action
Through effective hand saw maintenance procedures, you can keep the blade sharp and ensure that your hand saw maintenance is in good condition and working condition for as long as possible. However, no matter how carefully you handle it, there will always be times when it is no longer available or unsafe to use. Here are four signs that you should buy a new handsaw:
- The blade bends even on basic and light cuts: It means that hand saw maintenance is near. Your handsaw needs replacement when it begins to bend, even if you are trying to make a simple cut on a thin piece of wood. But a new hand saw may only take a few minutes to cut wood effortlessly, an old, outdated hand saw may take a long time and cause difficulties.

The handle starts to be loose: Of course, the handle can be temporarily installed and uninstalled during cleaning. However, when it starts to be loose over time, it is not safe to use it while working on the woods. You may be able to tighten it, but if it is still loose, the best thing to do is buying a new hand saw.

Some of the hand saw’s teeth are missing: With constant use and abuse, some of the teeth on your hand saw will disappear over time and reaches the hand saw maintenance. The lack of some teeth may not be a big problem, but the lack of some teeth will have a negative impact on your rate of cutting and carpentry work.

The name of the brand is no longer readable: It is worth mentioning that most hand saw blades are marked with the manufacturer’s name. Over time, they can wear out from constant use. This can be a good sign that the handsaw blade has come to an end and should be replaced immediately.

Sometimes you wish to fix up an old handsaw, but how is it possible? Go through the next part to find out more about this issue.
Fixing an Old Handsaw
Repairing old tools to reuse or decorate them is some people’s hobby. They like to see a rusty old saw turned into a sharp, usable hand saw. Whether you’re cleaning some of Grandpa’s tools or looking for a bargain at a yard sale, this guide will help you safely restore your hand saw maintenance. But there are some stages you need to pass to repair your hand saw:
- Handles and plates need to be disassembled. For this, use a large flat head screwdriver to loosen the nut on the saw. If they get caught, spray a little WD40 to free them and wait 5 minutes. Try again. Use an awl and hammer or small screwdriver to gently pry the nut out of the saw. Set the saw nut and bolt aside. Gently slide your hand off the saw table.

- Use a blade scraper to remove large pieces of rust. This will save sandpaper for smaller bits. File the corners of the blade so there are no marks on the saw board.

Continue using 400-grit wet sandpaper or dry sandpaper to remove rust. Use Simple Green Cleaner to lubricate plates at all times. This will help prevent it from getting stuck with sandpaper. The rust and water mixture can be wiped off with a paper towel. Be very careful in this step, as if there is an engraving on a saw, you will find it. If you sharpen the board hard, you may lose the engraving. Once the rust is mostly gone, you can continue to use 600 grits. 600-grit is optional, depending on the appearance of the saw you want.

Use a simple green scotch rite pad to further clean the saw board. This will remove a lot of dirt and grime from the steel tank where sandpaper cannot get in.

when doing hand saw maintenance Apply metal polish to the saw board, then buff it off with a towel or cotton cloth.

Remove the old varnish. If there are gorgeous blade carvings on the handle of the saw, then you should use a chemical stripper to loosen the varnish. There is no other way to remove varnish from those small grooves. If there is no such detail, you can scrape it off with a knife or heated handle.

Lightly sand the handle of the saw. Depending on the amount of varnish left, sand the handle. If a thin coat of varnish remains, or if you haven’t used a stripper, first use a strong grain such as 60 or 80. Then continue using higher gravel, such as 150 to 220.

Apply a new modified handle. Old saw handles are usually made from fruit trees and look good. Use boiled flaxseed oil for natural effects.

Reassembling the Saw To reassemble the saw, simply reverse the steps for disassembling it. Be careful when inserting the saw nut. These are square and should fit in the holes correctly. Also, do not overtighten the saw nut. Just arrange them. If they become loose due to use, just tighten them again.

Don’t use acid or vinegar. Steel is just a mixture of iron and carbon. Although vinegar or citric acid cannot chemically damage steel, it does happen frequently. why is it like this? Well, old steel is not as pure as we want. There are many different impurities in all steels. It is these impurities that can cause unsightly finishes, pitting, and sometimes damage to old tools. Chapter So, protect grandpa’s tools! Use elbow grease to remove rust, not vinegar!

These were some of the most common types of fixing and repairing the hand saw you are using. Focusing on these points will result in a better outcome that helps the user to operate the tool in a longer period of time.
Are handsaws’ blades used for all kinds of wood?
If the material of the wood is not tough, you can use all kinds of blades on them; but if it’s tough, you need to use special kinds of blade.
What is handsaw’s handle made of?
Different types of handles are made of different materials, but the most eye-catching one is wood.
Is Ronix providing handsaws to the customers?
The answer to this question is positive. RH-3621 is one of the products that goes under the category of handsaw.
What is the main difference of Handsaw and Hacksaw?
Handsaws are mostly used for wood, while hacksaws are made to be used for metal.
Conclusion 📃
This article was about the maintenance and the fixing of old hand saws. The points mentioned in this article are some of the most common issues that need to be noticed and concentrated on. In one part of the article, we talked about how to assemble and disassemble the handsaws and the repairing procedures were discussed in details. At this point, you now have a better understanding of how to maintain a hand saw and how to sharpen it for effective use. Be sure to follow the valuable tips listed above to make sure your tool keeps working for as long as possible. However, if you see some of the obvious signs mentioned above such as bending, loose handles, missing teeth, and fading marks, it is best to replace them with a new hand saw.

15 September 2021