Looking for Saw Blade Manufacturers? Here’s Our Complete List of 48 Companies!

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saw blade manufacturers

In the B2B world, one of the biggest challenges is finding the right manufacturers to do business. A reliable and high-quality supplier is the backbone of a strong supply chain, and your choice depends greatly on the type of product you need.

If your focus is only on saw blades, then the saw blade manufacturers specializing only in this product are your best choice. But if you’re looking to purchase a variety of tools—including saw blades—then tool brands with a diverse product range might be a smarter choice.

Whichever path you take, one thing is certain: saw blades serve a wide range of industries, from woodworking and metalworking to construction and renovation, making them a high-demand product with great profit potential.

So, let’s get straight to the point! In the following, you’re going to find the most complete list of best saw blade manufacturers available online, whether you’re investing in the saw blade industry or just expanding your product line.

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Saw Blade Manufacturers List

RankSaw Blade ManufacturerCountry of OriginFoundation
2Freud ToolsItaly1962
5Diablo ToolsUSA2000
6Kasto MaschinenbauGermany1844
7Vermont AmericanUSA1947
8ARNTZ GmbH + Co. KGGermany1793
9Ronix ToolsGermany2004
10Simonds InternationalUSA1832
11Pilana a.s.Czech Republic1934
12Klingspor Abrasive TechnologyGermany1893
13M. K. Morse CompanyUSA1963
14Amada Machine ToolsJapan1946
15Forrest Manufacturing Co., Inc.USA1946
16Lennartz GmbH & Co. KGGermany1896
17Olson SawUSA1918
18Leuco Tool CorporationUSA1954
20Diamond Saw Works, Inc.USA1890
21AKE Knebel GmbH & Co. KGGermany1960
25Bipico Industries (Tools) Pvt. Ltd.India1974
27Zhengyang Tools Manufacturing Co., Ltd.China1984
28Tru-Cut Saw, Inc.USAN/A
29Popular ToolsUSA1989
30Industrias GESSpain1923
31Jiangsu Hanma Tools Co., LtdChinaN/A
32Koll & CIE.Germany1868
33Jiangsu Huadiam Tools Co., Ltd.China2002
34Chengdu Yibai Technology Co., Ltd.China2002
35Hongsheng Saws Manufacturing Co., LtdChinaN/A
36Hirco ToolsIndia1998
37Marshal Tools IndustriesIndia1993
38Perfect Tools IndustriesIndia1991
39Umiya Engineering WorksIndia1979
40Somani ToolsIndiaN/A
41Rohan Tools CenterIndia2007
42Diamond Saw BladeIndiaN/A
44Tenryu Saw India Pvt. Ltd.JapanN/A
45First Cut Pty LtdSouth Africa1956
46SA SawBlades (PTY) Ltd.South AfricaN/A
47Saw Specialists (Pty) LtdSouth Africa1966
48Harris Sawing EquipmentSouth Africa1934

The Largest Saw Blade Manufacturer

What factors should we consider when labeling a company as the largest and the best saw blade manufacturer? Of course, there are many aspects to evaluate. However, in this review, I considered the following criteria and concluded that Lenox holds the position as the largest saw blade manufacturer. Let’s see why:

  • Popularity: Lenox is an American high-quality saw blade manufacturer widely recognized for its precision cutting solutions and strong reputation in both metalworking and woodworking industries.
  • Market Presence: Established in 1915, Lenox products are available worldwide. Its extensive distribution network ensures that customers across different regions have easy access to high-quality cutting tools.
  • Variety of Products: Lenox produces a wide range of commercial and industrial cutting tools, including reciprocating saw blades, jigsaw blades, band saw blades, aviation snips, concrete/masonry hole saws, screw and nut drivers, and even tool control and diagnostics software/apps.
  • Revenue and market share: With a strong market share and its affiliation with Stanley Black & Decker, Lenox has secured consistent revenue growth, placing itself as a key player in the global saw blade market.

A picture of the Lenox saw blade manufacturer’s office building

However, I believe this is not an absolute concept, as many other top saw blade manufacturers also deserve to be considered the largest. If you’re looking for more industry leaders, you can check out Freud Tools and WIKUS-Sägenfabrik—two European companies with a strong and well-established presence in the saw blade market.

Top 10 Saw Blade Manufacturers in the World

If you’re still unsure which of the 48 manufacturers I mentioned earlier provides the best services to you and responds to all of your demands in the best way, I’ve narrowed down my list to the top 10 saw blade manufacturers worldwide, on whom you can rely for a better and more efficient wholesale experience.

An infographic photo of the top 10 saw blade manufacturers

Saw Blade Manufacturers in the USA

The United States has a strong presence in the saw blade industry, as it does in other industries, and some companies were born here.  With a large expansion in the construction, automotive, machinery, and manufacturing industries, demand for this sort of cutting accessory has increased in the United States, and those who invest in these items have a good chance of profiting.  Having stated that, let’s look at the top saw blade producers in the United States.

An infographic photo of the top saw blade manufacturers in the USA

Saw Blade Manufacturers in India

India has one of the most dynamic saw blade manufacturing industries, with a varied range of companies producing high-quality saw blades for both domestic and international markets.  As a result of its developments, the country’s construction, metallurgy, woodworking, and other sectors have expanded rapidly, resulting in a great expansion in the saw blade manufacturing industry. Let’s take a look at some of India’s high quality saw blade manufacturers.

An infographic photo of the top saw blade manufacturers in India

Saw Blade Manufacturers in South Africa

Among South Africa’s saw blade manufacturers, several companies are capable of supplying global distributors and wholesalers with high-quality cutting tools and accessories. While the country may not have an extensive range of manufacturers, there are still reliable names worth considering. Let’s take a closer look at them.

An infographic photo of the top saw blade manufacturers in South Africa

Saw Blade Manufacturers in Germany

Like many other industries, Germany is home to numerous high-quality saw blade manufacturers, with several well-known brands originating from this country. These companies showcase Germany’s rich tradition of precision engineering and innovation in saw blade manufacturing, offering a diverse range of products to meet global industrial and commercial demands. Let’s take a closer look at some of them below:

An infographic photo of the top saw blade manufacturers in Germany


No matter which company you choose as your next saw blade supplier, remember to carefully evaluate your options before making a final decision. Consider key factors such as the brand’s presence and recognition in your country, their product range and variety, the quality of their saw blades, pricing and affordability, their minimum order quantity requirements, and, most importantly, your potential ROI and profit margin. Choosing wisely will set you on the path to success in the saw blade market.


Who are the top saw blade manufacturers in the world?

Among the numerous saw blade manufacturers worldwide, notable brands include Lenox, Freud Tools, Starrett, WIKUS-Sägenfabrik, Diablo Tools, Vermont American, and Ronix Tools, all known for their high-quality products.

Which saw blade manufacturers provide the best value for the money?

Finding a balance between affordability and quality can be challenging. Brands like Freud Tools and Ronix Tools offer excellent value, combining top-notch performance with competitive pricing.

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10 March 2025

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